Pharma & Clinical Research
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Ayurveda Prevents And Cure
Pharma & Clinical Research
Ayurveda is a science of life with a holistic approach to health and personalized medicine. It is one of the oldest medical systems, which comprises thousands of medical concepts and hypothesis. Interestingly, Ayurveda has ability to treat many chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and asthma, which are untreatable in modern medicine. Unfortunately, due to lack of scientific validation in various concepts, this precious gift from our ancestors is trailing. Hence, evidence-based research is highly needed for global recognition and acceptance of Ayurveda, which needs further advancements in the research methodology. The present review highlights various fields of research including literary, fundamental, drug, pharmaceutical, and clinical research in Ayurveda. The review further focuses to improve the research methodology for Ayurveda with main emphasis on the fundamental research. This attempt will certainly encourage young researchers to work on various areas of research for the development and promotion of Ayurveda.
Research methodology is a way to systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to solve a research problem.
- the direct observation (Pratyaksha)
- the inference (Anumana)
- the authoritative testimonies or literature (Aptopadesha)
- Basic differences between Ayurveda and modern science should be taken into account when designing the research protocols
- The main concern must be given to the classical approach of Ayurveda
- The main concern must be given to the classical approach of Ayurveda
- The research work should involve experts both from Ayurveda and biomedical Specialties
- The holistic and integrative approach involving body, mind, and spirit should be considered for research
- Before starting the clinical studies; a complete knowledge about diagnosis of the disease, materials to be used, process to be adopted, and accurate dosage form is highly needed
- The approach of personalized medicine should be followed during treatment.
Research methodology in the advancement of Ayurveda varies with each assignment or project. The major areas of research can be divided into five major areas, namely, literary, fundamental, drug, pharmaceutical, and clinical research. Although there is no single way to conduct research, certain methods and skills can make research efforts more efficient and effective.
Development of the Ayurvedic Pharma Sector
The drug manufacturing industries and other supporting industries play important role in the development of Ayurvedic medicine. The whole supporting system, i.e., raw material collectors, dealers, processing and manufacturing industries, Ayurveda practitioners, and consumers must be encouraged. Around 1100 medicinal plants are used as medicine and among them at least 60 plants are of great demand. Today, as the demand for herbal products is increasing day by day, enough availability of raw materials with reasonable prices is a big challenge for the industries. Hence, some strict steps must be taken by the government as well as industries itself to fulfill the supply and meet market demand. There is a need to ensure correct raw materials for the medicine and for this purpose, it is important to carefully monitor entire cycle of raw material collection such as harvesting, processing, transportation, and storage before their use. Moreover, selection of the correct germplasm using modern DNA fingerprinting and chemoprofiling techniques be used taken on priority basis.
Revalidation of Clinical Trials
The clinical trials on Ayurvedic medicines must be revalidated to find out better treatment modalities by improving scientific procedures, dose forms, and side effects of any given drug. The development of a method to allow placebo controls for changing and individualizing therapies is an important step in providing the basis for a meaningful comparison of not only classic Ayurveda but also other traditional medicinal systems with allopathic treatment in ways acceptable to Western standards. This approach also shows that double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized studies are possible when testing classic Ayurvedic versus allopathic medications. Larger trials are needed and are clearly possible. The Ayurvedic clinical trials must follow consolidated standards of reporting trails statements for global recognition.